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MESA White Paper #30: B2MML, Integration Patterns, and Data Mapping

As more companies are using B2MML and similar XML standards such as OAGIS for integration projects, issues about data formatting and data structuring have mostly been identified and are well understood. What remains in integration projects are the agreements and specification of integration patterns and specific data elements.

Integration patterns define the methods, protocols, and patterns to be used in integration of applications using Enterprise Service Buses and other equivalent technologies. The whitepaper defines the criteria for selecting appropriate integration methods and patterns based on integration requirements and application capabilities.

The first sections explain the typical steps in an integration project and the choices that must be made to select the correct integration pattern. The second part of the paper focuses on the types and structure of B2MML messages and on a method for identifying and specifying the specific data elements that are exchanged in an integration project.

This paper was produced as part of the MESA/ISA-95 Best Practices Working Group through an international peer review process involving 5 or more subject matter reviewers.

Date Published: June 2010


  1. Dennis Brandl/BR&L Consulting
  1. Gavan Hood/Simul-Tech Pty Ltd
  2. Dave Emerson/Yokogawa
  3. Ron West/ Entegreat
  4. David R. Hinkler/Rockwell Automation