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Title IX - Where To Go from Here

Title IX - Where To Go from Here

Date: July 18, 2024
Time: 11:00 am PT, Noon MT, 1:00 pm CT, 2:00 pm ET
Length: 1.0 Hours
Course Description
As we all know, the new Title IX regulations were released in April 2024, with an effective date of August 1, 2024. Among the many changes, the regulations expanded jurisdiction and the definition of “Sexual Harassment,” and gave schools options on how to implement their grievance procedures.

Join Liz DeChellis for this FREE webinar to discuss these options and how to navigate implementation. We will review the routes available to schools and the pros and cons of the different approaches. We will also discuss trends we are seeing with implementation and new policies.
Liz DeChellis serves as Van Dermyden Makus’ Title IX Program Director, overseeing all Title IX investigations and hearings. She also frequently conducts Title IX trainings as a faculty member of T9 Mastered. Trained in Trauma Informed Forensic Interviewing, Liz is also an experienced investigator in Title IX sexual misconduct claims. Liz understands best practices in the Title IX arena, and the challenges facing schools and parties when sexual violence allegations surface. She has conducted investigations for K-12 Districts, as well as higher education institutions. Liz is an expert in conducting Title IX Hearings. She has served as a Hearing Officer for multiple schools, applying a variety of policies and practices, and is familiar with both “new regulation” cases and cases falling outside the new regulations. In this role, Liz serves as the final adjudicator, completing the complaint and investigation process. She also serves as an Appeal Officer when students challenge the process, the outcome, and/or the sanction. Liz has overseen cases involving dating violence, drug abuse, sexual assault, and incapacitation. She has experience questioning parties using trauma-informed techniques, making admissibility and relevance decisions, and issuing well-reasoned, thorough decisions. She is licensed to practice law in the State of California, and is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).

Lexi Weyrick is an Attorney Investigator with Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation. Lexi graduated cum laude from Boston University, School of Law in May 2021, where she successfully completed the voluntary Pro Bono Pledge requirements. During law school, she served as an Executive Editor of the Public Interest Law Journal and as an intern for the Victim Rights Law Center. She also worked as a research assistant to Professor Naomi Mann, analyzing Title IX cases in federal and state courts and studying the social and political forces at play in Title IX.
This webinar would be beneficial for anyone who works in Title IX.
This webinar is FREE to join.

NOTE: You will be required to create a free T9 Mastered profile to register for this webinar.