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Analyzing Consent in Title IX Cases Involving BDSM, Fetish and Kink

Analyzing Consent in Title IX Cases Involving BDSM, Fetish and Kink

Course Description
Being comfortable with discussing sexual activity in a professional manner is a requirement of any Title IX investigator, administrator, or hearing officer. Increasingly, Title IX cases can include allegations that involve sexual practices which fall under the umbrella of BDSM, fetish and Kink. Sexual activities that have been traditionally seen as fringe or deviant are becoming more socially accepted and commonplace. This webinar will define terms, common safety practices, and will walk participants through a consent analysis using case examples. Having fluency and comfort with this topic will enable those of us who work in Title IX to bring a non-judgmental, neutral, and trauma informed approach to the process.
Nora Rohman is a senior investigator at Public Interest Investigations, Inc. in Los Angeles, where their caseload includes workplace and Title IX investigations involving LGBTQI+ individuals. Their investigations have focused on campus investigations involving sexual misconduct allegations; workplace investigations into complaints of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation; and mitigation investigations for death penalty matters, both at the trial and appellate levels. They are an Association of Workplace Investigators certificate holder (AWI-CH). Nora regularly shares their expertise on this topic by offering training and other presentations to campuses and professional organizations.
This webinar would be beneficial for Title IX investigators, administrators, or hearing officers who addresses student complaints that involve sexual practices which fall under the umbrella of BDSM, fetish and Kink.
  • Regular Registration: $200

Length: 1.5 Hours

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