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Multimodal Transportation Impact Analysis Case Studies


This webinar is led by ITE Planning Council.

To learn how to register and see more information about the webinar including PDH/CM credit certificate fees, please view the webinar course page here.

Webinar Description:

In 2023, after years of work by ITE staff and volunteers, the Transportation Planning Council published the Recommended Practice (RP) on Multimodal Transportation Impact Analyses, updating a document that was more than a decade old. The publication generated interest in both recommended practices innovations (such as centering people instead of vehicles) and emerging practices (such as alternative analysis approaches and mitigation paradigms). This webinar will describe how three progressive jurisdictions are implementing change with respect to recommendations in the RP, as well as helping lead the evolution toward more multimodal and equitable solutions to accommodating transportation needs at the development-site level.

The presenters will discuss the administrative and statutory processes to updating their impact analysis guidelines, requirements, and impact criteria, some of the challenges as part of that process, and case studies showing the change in outcomes with the updated analyses. Presenters will also share some of the next steps they see for their respective jurisdictions having learned lessons from these first steps.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand technical approaches for considering recommended concepts like person-trip / vehicle-trip conversion, applying bicycle level-of-service gap analyses, and data-driven safety analyses.
  • Learn about emerging innovations such as integration of MTIAs with pro-rata share districts, impact fees, and other mitigation approaches
  • Discuss challenges and lessons learned in implementing MTIA innovations from both technical and stakeholder perspectives.

Webinar registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start.
The webinar recording will be made available on-demand it will have a shelf life of 60 days to register before it is archived. Participants are able to purchase and retrieve their PDH credit certificate until their access to the content expires. After the content expires and goes into archive, the PDH credit certificate opportunity is forfeited.


  • Moderator: Dan Hardy, PTP, Semi-retired | Alexandria, VA, United States

    Dan Hardy, P.E. PTP has over 35 years of experience in transportation planning in both public and private sectors. He is mostly retired, currently serving as a part-time advisor with Renaissance Planning. Dan is a co-author of the Multimodal Transportation Impact Analysis Recommended Practice and a past chair of ITE's Transportation Planning Council.

  • Nathan Aubert, P.E., Supervising Engineer | City of Austin Transportation and Public Works Department | Austin, Texas, USA

    Driven by a passion for innovation, Nate has dedicated his career to engineering solutions that shape the future. When he is not problem-solving in the workplace, Nate find joy in family moments with his loving wife, Hasive, and their wonderful children, Camilla and Henry. In his free time, he enjoys woodworking and is an avid fan of both the Texas Longhorns and Austin FC.”

  • Darcy Buckley, Planner III | Countywide Planning Division | Montgomery County Planning Department | Montgomery County, MD, USA

    Darcy Buckley is a transportation planner with Montgomery Planning. She has over a decade of experience collaborating with federal, state, and local governments, private stakeholders, and community groups to build consensus, solve complex problems, and advance innovative and impactful public projects.

  • Preston Jutte, Transportation Planner | District Department of Transportation | Washington, DC, USA

August 1, 2024
Thu 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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