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How to Develop PRO Objectives for Trials

1 Presentation 0 Sections

How to Develop PRO Objectives for Trials

Organized By:
Statistics SIG

PROs are encouraged in trials, but vaguely defined objectives that are not connected to PRO analyses means that these results are not easy to interpret. This webinar will show how to develop a good PRO objective and demonstrate the possibilities and implications of different analytic choices, using examples from multiple disease areas.

Intended Audience
The intended audience are PRO researchers and clinical trialists, especially those who are non-statisticians.

Level of Knowledge Needed: Basic
No prior training needed to understand the content.

Audience Benefits
This webinar will provide the audience with:
  • An understanding of PRO objectives and how to develop them
  • An understanding of the importance of connecting trial design, analysis and interpretation for PROs in clinical trials- the foundation of estimands
  • An understanding of how to interpret the results of different analytic choices for PROs in different scenarios, and the implication of these choices
Learning Outcomes/Objectives
At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
  • Develop a PRO objective
  • Understand how different PRO analyses of the same data may lead to different results & impacts on interpretation
  • Understand how using estimands provide a framework connecting the PRO objective, with the analytic approach, and interpretation
  • Describe different analytic approaches of interest for PRO measures

  • Corneel Coens, MSc, Biostatistician, EORTC HQ, Belgium
  • Rachael Lawrance, BSc, Director and Principal Statistician, Adelphi Values, United Kingdom
  • Jessica Roydhouse, PhD, Select Foundation Senior Research Fellow in Health Services Research, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania, Australia
Moderator: Libby Floden, PhD MPH, Senior Director, Head of Endpoints, Evinova, United States

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