Course 802 – Legal Aspects of Easements

Course Number: C802 - Online
Course Title: Legal Aspects of Easements
Course Level: Advanced
IRWA Credit Units: 8 QEU / CEU*
*QEU (qualifying education units) and CEU (continuing education units)
Prerequisites: Recommend at least one year of professional right of way experience
Price: $265 USD for members / $385 USD for non-members

Course Description
In this course, terminology and concepts are brought to life with examples and exercises. By gaining a thorough understanding of all relevant legal considerations, right of way professionals become better equipped to avoid future problems in the appraisal, acquisition and management of easements.

  • New SR/WA: An advanced level course that is required for the SR/WA designation.
  • Industry: An advanced level course that is required in the Generalist Pathway for the SR/WA designation and an elective course that can be applied towards the Oil & Gas Pipeline Pathway for the SR/WA designation.
  • Specialist: An advanced level course that is required for the R/W-NAC certification.

  • Types of easements
  • Rules of construction for easements construed against grantor, specific terms in grant
  • Creation of easements; express grants; express reservations by reference; implied grant by necessity, by condemnation, by prescription
  • Termination of easements, abandonment, expiration/purpose ceases, release, merger estoppel, eminent domain, vacation
  • Scope of use, exclusive vs. non-exclusive, division of dominant estate maintenance and repair, obstructions
  • Location and width, blanket easements by necessity, relocation

Course Tuition includes
Participant Manual (in PDF format; available for download)

Who should take this course
This course is designed for experienced right of way professionals who are in need of information on the theory and rationale of easements as to avoid future problems in the appraisal, acquisition and management of easements.

Anytime you purchase an online class at IRWA University, you have one year from the date of purchase to complete your class. After that time, the class will no longer be accessible. Your progress is saved, however, it is highly recommended that you finish the class as soon as possible from the date of purchase to ensure high retention and application rate of knowledge and skills learned.

All participants will receive a total of 2 attempts to pass the exam with a score of a 75% or better. If a passing grade is not achieved by the second attempt, the participant must re-purchase the class if he or she wishes to take the exam a third time. Please note, IRWA online classes are not approved for State QE or CE credit.