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System Training - Advanced Queries - 9/27


The training session for Advanced Queries begins with a deeper dive into the query functionality, with an emphasis on administrator configurations. During the session, we will discuss the use of identing search criteria fields when building a query as well as a thorough walk through of how to create sub-queries and aggregate queries. Throughout the session, we will share practical examples illustrating the potential use of these functions.

Please respond to the pre-training survey to let us know what you'd like to get out of this session.


  • Michelle Park

    Michelle has been with the Impexium team for almost a year. In her role as Training Specialist, she enjoys facilitating training sessions and collaborating with clients as they learn all about the impressive features and functionality Impexium has to offer.

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September 27, 2024
Fri 11:00 AM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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Event Support - Michelle