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AAML-IL Annual Indigenous Peoples' Day Seminar 2022

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Monday, October 10, 2022
In-Person at the Hyatt Lodge, Oak Brook or via Live Webcast

8:15 – 8:55 Registration Opens or Log into the webcast via your account at

8:55 – 9:00 Opening Remarks for AAML-IL 15th Annual Seminar for Experienced Family Lawyers
James M. Quigley, Beermann, LLP, President, Illinois Chapter AAML*

9:00 – 9:30  Powers & Duties of a Guardian ad Litem: The Great Debate
In contested allocation cases, questions are common. Must the GAL write a written report?  Can the GAL participate in the trial? Can the GAL attend the trial? Can a GAL file pleadings and/or issue subpoenas? In addition to an analysis of 750 ILCS 5/506 and the existing body of case law, the speaker will discuss proposed amendments to the statute and present a proposed solution that would hopefully answer these questions in any case in which a Guardian Ad Litem is appointed.
Matthew A. Kirsh, Kirsh & Associates, Ltd., Chicago*

9:30 – 10:15  In-Depth Case Law Update – Part 1
This two-part update includes comprehensive coverage of all Illinois family law opinions from the last year.  Topics include “bread and butter” issues on maintenance, child support, income calculation, cohabitation, and attorney’s fees, but also this year’s more novel decisions on the disposition of frozen embryos, privacy, and civil procedure. We’ll also take a deep dive into P.A. 102-0823 (effective May 13, 2022)—the “foreseeability amendment” to 750 ILCS 5/510—and discuss its pros and cons.
Michael G. DiDomenico, Lake Toback DiDomenico, Chicago*

10:15 - 10:30       Break

10:30 – 11:15  In-Depth Case Law Update – Part 2
Michael G. DiDomenico, Lake Toback DiDomenico, Chicago*

11:15 - 11:30  Sharing Fees with Non-Lawyers
(0.25 Professional Responsibility Credits)
Fellow Rory T. Weiler, current President of the ISBA, provides an update on ABA resolution 402 opposing non-lawyer ownership of law firms/fee splitting with non-lawyers, what it means for the future of the practice here in Illinois, and how it impacts real Access to Justice. You will hear of the ISBA’s ongoing fight to retain RPC 5.4 (Professional Independence of a Lawyer) as is, and why that is important.
Rory T. Weiler, Weiler & Lengle, P.C., St. Charles*

11:30 – 12:00  Parenting Coordination: Practical Considerations for Practitioners
Yes, the parenting coordinator legislation did not make it through the last legislative session. But we are seeing more and more difficult cases where parenting coordinators are appointed. We provide a sample form and tips on the role of the PC in your divorce cases.
Vanessa L. Hammer, Hammer Serna & Quinn, LLC, Chicago*

12:00 – 1:00        Lunch Break

1:00 – 2:15  The Use and Abuse of the Monte Carlo Simulation
When settling cases with larger assets, stress testing the settlement via a Monte Carlo Simulation provides an analysis of how the assets assigned to your client can/will last or be depleted with or without maintenance. It is a visualization that opens eyes, as large numbers often blind judges to need/standard of living as your clients have lived life. This program will examine this tool in a Frye/Daubert analysis; provide research for its theoretical underpinnings; differentiate a Monte Carlo Simulation from an Interactive Balance Sheet. Finally, we will build the Monte Carlo and demonstrate how to attack it when used against you.
Joy Feinberg, Davis Friedman, Chicago*
Marshall Lund, Creative Planning, Chicago
Lawrence Horwich, Wipfli LLP, Chicago
Alyssa Mogul, Grund & Leavitt, Chicago*

2:15 – 2:45  Words Matter: Nuances in Child Support True-up Provisions in Marital Settlement Agreements
This 30 min presentation will highlight the importance of choosing your words carefully in drafting provisions for child support true-up payments with an emphasis on executive compensation.
Jennifer Fletchall, Fletchall Group, LLC, Chicago*

2:45 – 3:00           Break

3:00 – 4:00  Why Can’t We Be Friends – Treating Parent-Child Contact Problems
(1.0 Professional Responsibility Credit)
The panel addresses the differentiation between reunification therapy and family therapy and specific strategies utilized to help families repair parent-child and co-parent relationships during and after the divorce process. Information regarding how reunification therapy is carried out between parent and child, how to work as parenting coaches for the rejected parent and the preferred parent, details regarding the actual parent-child reunification sessions, and the objectives and curriculum for improved co-parenting functioning is shared during this panel presentation.
Gail Grossman, Ph.D., Breakthrough Family Solutions
Jamie Pellar, LCSW, Breakthrough Family Solutions
Ruth Kraus, Ph.D., Breakthrough Family Solutions
Hollie Sobel, Ph.D., Breakthrough Family Solutions
Gwenn Waldman, LCPC, Breakthrough Family Solutions

4:00                      Adjourn 

* Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

October 10, 2022
Mon 8:55 AM CDT

Duration 7H 5M

This live web event has ended.