Certificate or Certification: What's the Difference?

About the Webinar
Over the past few decades a number of credentialing options have become increasingly popular, including certificate programs, micocredentials, and digital badges. However, these newer credentialing options lacked a set of standards or agreed upon definitions, resulting in confusion even among individuals who design, construct, deliver, and manage these programs.

What does it mean to earn a badge, a certificate or a certification? How do you know if the program is a quality program? Gain clarity on the differences between a certificate and certification program, including three major differences based on ICE and ANSI (ISO and ASTM) definitions and standards, and learn a basic method of evaluating the quality of a these types of programs.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Distinguish the essential elements of a certificate and certification program based on ICE definitions
  • Define the activities necessary to conduct a certificate and certification program (e.g., recertification program versus no recertification program)
  • Determine whether a certificate or certification program is more valuable for your organization considering your strategic and psychometric needs
Accessing the Webinar
To access the webinar, click on the presentation below. A PDF of the presentation is included in the Resources tab under the webinar window.

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