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Pain and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

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This webinar - held on 25 June 2024 - was produced through a collaboration of the IASP's Social Aspects of Pain Special Interest Group and IASP’s Sex, Gender, Race, and Pain Special Interest Group.


The mission of IASP’s Social Aspects of Pain Special Interest Group is to, “raise awareness and understanding of the social context of pain within the IASP community and the community at large," while the mission of IASP’s Sex, Gender, Race, and Pain Special Interest Group is to “encourage basic and clinical research on how sex, gender, and race affect pain mechanisms and all realms of its management.”

During this webinar, we explored how sociological differences, such as culture, language, socio-economic status, and more affect pain management throughout the world. Additionally, there was discussion regarding how to improve access, experience, and outcomes in pain care/management throughout these diverse communities.

Participants included:
-- Bernadette Brady, PhD, NSW Health, Sydney, Australia
Chronic pain management among culturally and linguistically diverse communities living in Australia
-- Bukola Ibitoye, PhD(c), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Achieving equity in sickle cell pain care in Nigeria
-- Saurab Sharma, PhD, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Discussant)
-- Larissa Strath, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA (Moderator)

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