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IARP SSVE Tools & ORS Advanced Topics

If you would like to add IARP BLS, DOT and ORS Resources at a discounted rate, purchase the bundle here: Purchase Bundle Credits are valid until 4/15/2023

Originally offered at the IARP 2021 Virtual Conference, these on-demand trainings will provide tools and best practices for SSVE’s. The session includes:

Ready, Set, Go Testify; SSVE Tools & Mechanics– 2 Hours
John Yent, MA, ABDA, CRC
Session Details

Section 1: What is important in the SSVE process; Case review fundamentals; Evaluating key evidence; Focus on the past relevant work; POMS and GRIDS to know; Pre-screening for transferable skills, vocational adjustment and potential jobs to consider.

Section 2: What resources to include in the SSVE toolbox; Methods of case organization for testimony and hypotheticals; Defending use of your sources of information; Current and proposed jobs numbers options.

Section 3: Panel discussion of best practices for SSVEs; difficult hypotheticals; confrontations; open forum.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:
  • Review cases efficiently and evaluate relevant evidence.
  • Prepare for likely question scenarios by ALJs and reps.
  • Understand current resource options.
  • Explain and defend resource choices when challenged.

Occupational Requirements Survey: Advanced Topics– 3.5 Hours
Michelle Aliff, Ph.D., CRC, CVE
Session Details

This presentation will cover the Occupational Requirements Survey. It will define what it is, what it is not and how the data can be used. The presentation will cover methods for utilizing the data and utilize the most recent data set release.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:
  • Understand what the ORS data is.
  • Understand the uses of the ORS data and its limitations.
  • Understand a methodology for using ORS data

Credits: 5.5 CEs of the following credits have been approved: ABVE & CRC
Credits are valid until 4/15/2023