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The Effects of Addiction on Employment/Return to Work

[No CEs] Impact of Substance Abuse on General Health Medical research also supports that substance abuse has an adverse impact on the general health of the user. Some examples of the effects of substance abuse on health include but are not limited to: Increased heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, heart attack, convulsions, seizures, tremors, strokes; anxiety, paranoia, depression, confusion, blackouts, violent behavior, hallucinations; problems with perception, motor skills; difficulty with concentrating and information processing, lapses in judgment; coma, death. Impact of substance abuse in the workplace research has shown that alcohol and drug abuse by employees place considerable burden on employers. According to a 1999 Drug Free Workplace Study drug abuse costs employers $100 billion a year in the areas of decreased productivity and efficiency; accidents and safety hazards; medical claims and absenteeism, turnover and employee theft.


  1. Define impact of addiction in the workplace
  2. Identify drugs/alcohol/pharmacological substances in addiction
  3. Carry out the return of individuals to the workplace
  4. Describe high risk jobs and impact of addiction

Jewel Euto, MD, ND, LPC, MFT, NCC, SAP

Here's what attendees said...
"Great presentation and excellent speaker." 
"I believe these are the types of topics that all attendees should hear especially since so much of what we as rehabilitation providers do/are engaged with deals with addictions."