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Integrating Customized Employment Strategies for Competitive Employment Outcomes

[No CEs] This presentation will provide both a big picture view of the customized employment (CE) process and a more specific methodology for integrating this process into vocational rehabilitation (VR) systems. The presentation will include information on developing collaborative partnerships, planning
and implementation, expansion and sustainability, and ongoing evaluation necessary to integrate CE strategies within VR systems as an option for job seekers with complex disabilities who have not been successfully employed utilizing traditional VR strategies. The presentation will incorporate case examples, tools for successful implementation of strategies and discussion to address implementation strategies across systems. Participants will be provided a template and guidance to begin action planning for integrating CE strategies into their local communities.


  1. Define the customized employment process within the vocational rehabilitation system
  2. Employ best practice methods for integrating customized employment strategies for integrating customized employment strategies into practice
  3. Discover tools for effectively applying customized employment strategies with fidelity to best practice models
  4. Develop an action plan for integrating customized employment practices within their communities

Tammy Jorgensen-Smith, PhD