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Webinar: Transition Assessment and Functional Vocational Evaluation - How We MUST Do Better

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Transition assessment is the first step, the first call to action when determining transition services for students in secondary special education and whose education is guided by an Individual Education Program. Inherent in the title of the education plan, each students’ plan requires an individualization as no two individuals are alike and each student deserves high quality services. Cookie cutter programming or the one size fits all mentality, while organizationally more palatable and financially feasible for school budget, it abhors the spirit and regulation in which transition services have been built. Teams need to work collaboratively as a system that retrofits services around the individual. IEP’s cannot be designed to fit into an existing system. Because transition has a broad base in subject matter and for the first time, extends beyond the classroom, IEP teams must work in concert to identify critical paths for learning that have high impact with a perspective of a long-term trajectory methodology. While IEP teams, given the best possible scenario, are equipped to insert various perspectives, transition assessment requires a time commitment, an axis of purpose and a hub organized to digest and synthesize information in a way it makes sense and is useful for futures planning. The special education teacher is no longer the critical source; the student and family take on a new role in providing information on skills, interests, routines that happen outside of school; employers, coaches, outside service providers have a big place at the table as well and should have input. Friends, relatives, neighbors become important informants along with all the ancillary service providers. This webinar will provide that basic premise of transition assessment, identify what information is critical and will provide what critical components are needed in order to complete the comprehensive transition assessment process.

Length: 1 Hour
Cost: Members: FREE, Non-Members $45

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, participants will be able to:
  1. Describe key concepts and issues related to developing a comprehensive TA.FVE in special education
  2. Identify the essential and critical information sources needed for TA.FVE
  3. Evaluate and analyze the levels of assessment and how to create an assessment plan


  • Ms. Judith Imperatore, M.Ed.

    Ms. Judith Imperatore, M.Ed., is a highly trained professional and expert in the field of transition services for secondary special education and career and vocational development for individuals with various exceptionalities. She is the founder of an eighteen-year-old consulting company, J. Lynn Enterprises, LLC. Judith’s company has established a unique reputation for providing professional development, individual and program design, unique transition services, and assessment solutions to over 400 school districts, parents, and state agencies. Within these organizations, Judith is well known for her integrity, high expectations for student performance, creative and passionate approach to transition planning, individualization of service designs, and most importantly, her relentless hard work. The company’s flagship product is its comprehensive transition assessment and functional vocational assessment. The report and its value has been recognized nationally by parents and parent organizations, lawyers, advocates, teaching universities and school systems. Testimonials are stellar and they state it is the most comprehensive transition assessment and planning evaluation presently available. This specialized report has been recently packaged and published making comprehensive assessment more readily available. Judith has been trained as an expert witness relating to transition and has been involved in many due process hearings, assisted in negotiating mediation agreements, and assists counsel in developing their cases. Judith received her M.Ed. from Cambridge College in Boston, Massachusetts. Recently, she has taken on the role of President of Division of Career Development and Transition (DCDT) for the state of Massachusetts subdivision. And, in addition, is an executive board member for the national organization - Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals.

November 13, 2019
Wed 11:00 AM CST

Duration 1H 0M

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