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2021 September Virtual Working Group Meeting (35th Annual Plenary)

What is a Working Group Meeting?

HL7 International Working Group Meetings (WGMs) are held three times per year at varying locations and serve two important purposes:
  1. Provide the HL7 International work groups the opportunity to meet in person and work on standards, as well as to network with industry leaders from around the world.
  2. Offer an invaluable educational resource for the healthcare IT community.

Standards Development

HL7 International has more than 40 work groups dedicated to specialized areas of interest such as Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Infrastructure, Mobile Health and Electronic Health Records. These work groups are directly responsible for the content of standards and spend much of their time at WGMs hard at work on standards development. Attending a WGM is a great way to learn about a particular area, and everyone attending a WGM is invited to any of the work group meetings.

Please note: The videos are linked by the day of the event.