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Understanding the HL7 International Organization – An Orientation to Working Group Meetings, Process and Governance, 2021,.01.20

This webinar will provide an overview of HL7 International from the working group meeting, governance structure to the work groups.

 Intended Audience

  •  First-time attendees of the working group meeting and anyone interested in learning more about the processes and organization of HL7 International 
Learning Outcome
You'll learn how to:
  • Explain how HL7 International is structured 
  • List the types of products that HL7 International produces 
  • Discuss the subject domains that HL7 standards cover 
  • Describe the working group meeting format 
  • Explain how HL7 International ballots 

Virginia Lorenzi, Secretary: HL7 Board, Co-chair: Patient Empowerment Workgroup, Member: Technical Steering Committee, Education Advisory Council, & Policy Committee, HL7 Faculty

Line Saele: Chair HL7 Norway,  Co-Chair International Council, Board Member, HL7 Europe,Co-Chair Patient Administrative Work Group.