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FHIR Questionnaires and Structured Data Capture 2020.11.03

Presenter: Lloyd McKenzie

One of FHIR’s 3 initial editors
Co-chair FMG, FHIR Infrastructure Workgourp
HL7 Fellow
Heavily involved in HL7 and healthcare exchange for last 17 years (v2, v3, CDA, etc.)
Forms, questionnaires, checklists and other data entry tools permeate healthcare. They are completed by patients, caregivers, staff and clinicians for administrative, clinical, financial, research and other purposes.

FHIR provides basic support for using forms to capture and display data. The new version of the Structured Data Capture implementation guide provides significantly increased capabilities, including enhanced rendering and control, the ability to automatically populate forms with existing data and extract information from completed forms into FHIR resources.

This class will help students use FHIR questionnaires in ways that reflect the capabilities often demanded of paper and PDF forms in the healthcare space, while leveraging the data-integration capabilities FHIR provides.

This Tutorial Will Benefit:
  • Data analysts, FHIR architects, Form designers, App developers and others who design forms for data capture

Upon Completion of This Tutorial, Students Will Be Able To:

  • Explain when to use QuestionnaireResponse vs. other resources to capture, share and access data
  • Create a simple FHIR Questionnaire instance
  • Understand and explain the trade-offs in the techniques for pre-populating and extracting information from FHIR QuestionnaireResponse instances
  • Select among the various extension mechanisms that can be used to control the behaviour and appearance of questionnaire instances
  • Use FHIR's workflow capabilities to request and track completion of forms by patients and others
  • Basic understanding of FHIR
  • For hands-on portion, familiarity with XML or JSON and access to an appropriate editor