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Introduction to Version 2.8 Parts 1 & 2 1.30.2019

Instructor: Jean Duteau
Member, HL7 Technical Services Committee;
Co-Chair, HL7 Modeling and Methodology Work Group;
Co-Chair, HL7 Pharmacy Work Group; HL7 Modeling and Methodology Facilitator, Patient Care;
HL7 Publishing Facilitator, Public Health Work Group;
Director, Duteau Design, Inc.
Introduction to Version 2, Part 1:
Part 1 introduces students to HL7 and the basic concepts of Version 2. It discusses the structure of the standard and covers two of the standard's fundamental chapters: Control and Patient Administration.


Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
• Discuss the structure of the standard
• Describe common HL7 data types and how they are used
• Discuss the HL7 v2 Vocabulary Model and code tables
• Describe acknowledgement protocol options and configurations
• Create sample Patient Administration messages

Introduction to Version 2, Part 2:
Part 2 provides students with an overview of the Version 2 Orders and Observations messages and major concepts and provides a sampling of the type of information that can be communicated using these messages. 


Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
• Describe basic order and observation message structures
• Create sample messages
• Start to interpret the Version 2 orders and observation standards