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Transitions as our Teacher: How to lead through change

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In this session, we invite leaders to join ProInspire in exploring transitions, and how we can bring our inner wisdom and liberatory practices to thrive in uncertain times.

Discussion themes will include:

  • What is our current relationship to change and transition?
  • What resources and power do we have to navigate transition?
  • What touchstones could help us and our communities be intentional agents of a transition and generate new futures?

Webinar attendees will be asked reflection questions and brought through a guided practice. The goal is to create a space for leaders to connect, reflect on their relationship with change and navigate their organizations through transitions.

Leaders in the session will:
  • Explore and unearth dominant frameworks or mental models around transitions
  • Practice embodied awareness by noticing how their body and mind experience and adapt to transitions
  • Tap into and embrace cultural and ancestral elements to inspire and guide during transitions
  • Discover and cultivate liberatory practices and mindsets for leading organizations in transition


  • Monica Biswas, she/her/hers

    a Race Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI)
    practitioner, a program designer, facilitator, and coach. She has led
    projects in public health and healthcare organizations for 21 years,
    working to advance equity in health and education. Each program
    required orchestrating change — in systems, processes, cultural
    norms, and mental models. Most recently, she worked to craft a
    comprehensive racial equity strategy to improve retention rates
    for staff of color. Through consultation, strategy facilitation,
    training, and coaching for individuals and teams, Monica supports
    organizations to actualize their commitments to organizational
    effectiveness, culture change and racial equity. She is currently a
    Director at ProInspire, where she applies these skills to advance racial equity in nonprofits and
    foundations. Monica received her Masters from the Harvard School of Public Health where she
    studied social determinants of health, leadership, and social change.

  • Rosie Aquila, she/her/hers

    a project manager, facilitator, and designer. She
    brings her experience in strategic communications, community arts
    practices, participatory program design and evaluation, and
    fundraising to the ProInspire team. Before joining ProInspire, Rosie
    managed the communications, marketing, and fundraising efforts
    for a community-based nonprofit supporting older adults and their
    care partners. She has led sessions on strategic communications,
    storytelling, and donor engagement for community-based leaders.
    Rosie holds a BA in Anthropology from Kenyon College and MS in
    Communication for Development and Social Change (CDSC) from
    Temple University. Rosie has organized with community groups
    fighting for housing, food, climate, and economic justice. She
    strives to listen to understand, co-share and co-produce
    knowledge, and interrupt dynamics of oppression.

June 27, 2024
Thu 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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