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Climate Change and Mental Health Interventions Workshop

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In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, join APHA’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity for an interactive workshop on how to design mental health interventions with a public health approach, focusing on how to engage and prioritize vulnerable populations.

Click here to access the webinar. 


  • Benjamin Fulgencio-Turner, MPP

    Ben Fulgencio-Turner is the Director of the Climate for Health program, a national initiative of ecoAmerica to build climate leadership and action in the health sector, advancing solutions that protect personal and community health. Ben started his career as a community organizer in New Orleans, supporting neighborhood leaders and building power in communities recovering from Hurricane Katrina. He studied and worked within systems of safety-net health care for over fourteen years, developing cross-sector partnerships to address root causes of health inequities, and working closely with providers serving Medicaid and uninsured populations. Ben received a BA from Tulane University and a Masters in Public Policy from Georgetown University focusing on systems of healthcare finance and delivery.

  • Evelyn Maldonado

    Evelyn Maldonado received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Policy with a concentration in Land Use from the University of Maryland. She currently works as a Program Associate for the American Public Health Association's Center for Climate, Health and Equity where she leads and supports projects focused on climate and health education.

  • Shelbi Davis, MPH, PMP

    Shelbi Davis is a Senior Analyst on the Environmental Health team at ASTHO, where she coordinates ASTHO’s Peer-to-Peer Fellowship Programs: Climate and Health, and Environmental Public Health Tracking. She also leads ASTHO’s Climate Change Collaborative (CCC), a platform for state and territorial health agency staff who are working on the public health impacts of climate change and extreme weather events, to collaborate and learn from one another, as well as share resources, opportunities, and best practices. Prior to joining ASTHO, Shelbi worked at two local health agencies in the Austin, TX area, and was part of the COVID-19 response and case investigation team. She graduated from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion and a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology. Shelbi has also earned a certificate in Climate Change and Health from Yale University.

  • Aditi Samavedy

    Dr. Aditi Srivastav Bussells, a child health equity researcher. Specifically, her research focuses on mixed methods approaches to understand how ACEs can be prevented and mitigated to reduce health inequities, how child health policies can be most effectively disseminated and implemented, and how public opinion around ACEs, child maltreatment and other related issues influence support for child health policy and program interventions that promote equity. Dr. Srivastav Bussells is a recognized public health expert in South Carolina, helping communities use data and research to make evidence-based decisions and translating research for policy action.

    Recently, Dr. Bussells was elected to Columbia, SC city council. Dr. Bussells ran for the at-large seat with the vision that Columbia can be a real destination for families to live, work, and play. By tackling the root cause of crime, bringing more family-supporting jobs to the city, and improving the city’s infrastructure, she believes that Columbia can be more prosperous, vibrant, and equitable.

  • Bob Doppelt

    Bob Doppelt founded and coordinates the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC), a network of mental health, social service, disaster management, climate, and faith organizations and professionals (website: http://itrcoalitionorg). He is trained in both counseling psychology and environmental science and has combined the two fields throughout his career. He is also a Graduate of the International Program on the Management of Sustainability, in Ziest, The Netherlands, a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Instructor, and mindfulness teacher (Sprit Rock Meditation Center). He is also a former Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center.
    Bob is the author of a number of books on the interface between individual and community mental health, social change, and ecological regeneration. His newest book Preventing and Healing Climate Traumas: A Guide for Building Resilience and Hope in Communities describes the outcomes of an intensive two year research project that determined that a public health approach to mental health is necessary to prevent and heal the accelerating individual, community, and societal traumas generated by the global climate mega-emergency.

May 2, 2023
Tue 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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