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Mode of Action and Resistance, WDO

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Eric Turner


  • Eric Turner

    Eric Turner is a seasoned pest management professional and is currently designing training content and teaching classes for employees for Arrow Exterminators. His role began in June of 2022 but has had four other years of pest control experience and serving in varying capacities as a pest control technician. Also, while conducting his graduate studies, he took part in several opportunities that give him a unique perspective in the field of pest control. His service begins as a pest control technician in 2018 and continues to succeed in this position at several different pest control companies through 2022. He has worked for several years as a pest control technician with increases to his responsibilities working in residential, Sentricon, and commercial departments. He holds a CO license in HPC, a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Fort Valley State University and a Master’s in Entomology for Florida A&M University.

February 9, 2024
Fri 3:20 PM EST

Duration 1H 10M

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GPCA Office Staff