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Vector MGT - Fleas

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Nancy Hinkle presents 1 hour HPC, Cat. 31, 35, & 41 for Fleas


  • Nancy Hinkle

    Since joining the University of Georgia faculty, Dr. Hinkle has worked closely with the Georgia Pest Control Association, making over 20 presentations at GPCA’s regional and statewide conferences. She has also published three articles in GPCA’s magazine, Profile. She uses these interactions to ensure that research results are implemented in real-world situations, taking science to the field where it can be used.

    She similarly provides training for the National Pest Management Association, having presented at over a dozen national and regional meetings. In addition, she has addressed 20 different state pest control associations, the Armed Forces Pest Management Board, the Air National Guard, the US Army in Europe pest suppression contingent, and individual pest control companies. She was the 2014 recipient of the Recognition Award in Urban Entomology from the Entomological Society of America.

March 8, 2023
Wed 8:00 AM EST

Duration 1H 15M

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