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Adapting Payment Terms and Financing during COVID-19

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COVID-19 has changed the way exporters are currently doing business. Exporting opportunities still exist, but is it the right time to export during the current crisis? What ways can your business adapt to new payment terms and methods? How can you be protected from foreign buyer non-payment?

Join Food Export as we welcome Peter Gower, President of Gower Global, and Michael Howard, Managing Director – Central Region for EXIM Bank, as we help to answer these questions and more.

  • The current situation and the effect on trade the past three months
  • Adapting INCOTERMS, Payment Terms, Terms of Sale, and Payment Methods
  • Renegotiating specifics needed for shipment
  • Overview of programs available through the Export-Import Bank (EXIM) to help minimize risk of foreign buyer non-payment and access working capital


  • Michael Howard

    Mike Howard is the Managing Director, Central Region for EXIM Bank. He has over 30 years of experience with EXIM Bank’s products, and advises exporters, bankers and the trade-related business community in international risk mitigation and trade financing techniques. The Central Region is comprised of export finance centers located in Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, Houston, and Dallas. Mike has also been acting Director for the regional offices in the Northeast U.S. Prior to his current position, Mike was Business Development Officer for EXIM Bank’s Southeast Region in Miami. Mike also worked as the Export Finance Officer for the State of Florida where he helped design and author the Florida Export Finance Corporation, a State owned and funded export finance shop specializing in small business transactions.
    The Regional Export Finance Centers of EXIM Bank focus on assisting small business exporters. Mike and his team teams work with companies from Michigan to Kentucky from North Dakota to New Mexico and in-between to help them obtain pre-export working capital, buyer credit financing, and export credit insurance to mitigate the risks of foreign buyer non-payment.

June 17, 2020
Wed 1:00 PM CDT

Duration 1H 0M

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