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2024 Boot Camp Webinar - Protecting the Record | October 4, 2024


The FJA Boot Camp Webinar Series will give you the specialized training in this 12-part series needed to succeed in your career as a personal injury attorney. These are the perfect webinars for new attorneys, but also a great refresher for any personal injury attorney. Topics covered in previous Boot Camps include: intake and sign-up, documents and evidence gathering, demands package and insurance adjusters, filing suit, discovery, depositions, mediation and settlement, preparing for trial, studying case details.

Part Two – Advanced Training
Taking you beyond the basics, FJA Boot Camp Webinar Series, Part Two provides the next installment of need-to-know topics designed to help you step up to the next level in your career as a personal injury attorney. Advanced topics covered in previous years were: protecting the record/preservation of error, business of running a law firm, preparation and presentation for mediation, preparation/taking/trial – direct and cross of expert witnesses.

Part Two - Advanced Training
Protecting the Record

October 4, 2024
Fri 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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