Mental Health Ethics in Changing Times

Ongoing clinical practice often contributes to a kind of ethical “drift”. In addition, the internet, social media, telehealth, artificial intelligence, and other technological changes have offered new ethical challenges for mental health clinicians. Using case examples, discussion, and lecture, participants in this workshop will consider how the ethical codes apply to the changing world of clinical practice. Special emphasis will be placed on developing clinicians’ understanding of decision-making processes used to arrive at ethical courses of action in a changing world. The workshop will highlight issues of informed consent, competence, and confidentiality. Using case studies and vignettes, clinicians will be invited to consider the best course of action in various scenarios presenting ethical dilemmas.

Learning Objectives

As a result of this workshop, participants will:
1. discuss the assumptions and theories behind ethical decision-making models
2. be able to identify and explain a practical model for ethical decision-making
3. summarize how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of informed consent
4. summarize how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of competence,
5. summarize how ethical decision-making models can apply to issues of confidentiality