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CS Institute Play Therapy Cohort- A New Way- Sand Tray Play Therapy

Sand Tray play therapy has its roots in the work of Carl Jung, Dora Kalff, and Margaret Lowenfield.It is an expressive technique that does not require any special skills on behalf on the client. This workshop will cover the foundations of utilizing sand tray in play therapy. Several different theoretical modalities of sand tray work will be presented and discussed. Specifics of sand tray work will be outlined within a developmental framework.


  1. Participants will discuss 2 foundational concepts in Sand Tray Play Therapy.
  2. Participants will analyze 3 play therapy interventions in Sand Tray Play Therapy.
  3. Participants will describe the role of the clinician in Sand Tray Play Therapy,
  4. Participants will critique 2 Sand Tray Theoretical concepts in relation to other play therapy theoretical orientations.
  5. Participants will discuss utilizing Sand Tray Play Therapy within their own practice.
  6. Participants will design 2 Sand Tray Play Therapy interventions.

CS Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT Approved Provider number is 15-419. CS Institute maintains responsibility for the program.