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CS Institute- Cohort NWOKPT- Food Insecurities in the Playroom and Impact on Play Therapy

Description: This workshop will explore the impact of food insecurity on children and trauma. Statistics and research about nutrition and brain development will be presented. A discussion of how nutrition impacts play and play therapy will be presented.
Workshop will discuss how to improve clinical play therapy practice to account for food insecurities.
Participants will discuss current research on nutrition and food insecurities.
Participants will discuss how nutritional needs impact play therapy.
Participants will analyze how play therapy interventions can address nutritional needs.
Participants will design 2 interventions to address nutritional needs in play therapy interventions.
Participants will create 2 play therapy methods to assess nutritional needs.
Participants will discuss current play therapy practice including nutritional needs.

CS Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT approved provider number15-419. CS Institute maintains responsibility for the program.