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CS Institute - WPYFS Cohort - Family and Group Play Therapy

This workshop will focus on foundational family therapy and seminal play therapy modalities and applications. Wendy Miller (1994) states, “ Family play therapy recognizes the significance of the systemic nature of the family, as well as the critical necessity of understanding the intrapsychic process of the individuals.” Participants will actively demonstrate knowledge and skills of family and group play therapy in an experiential environment. A variety of play therapy modalities and applications will be presented, experienced and adapted to a wide range of psychosocial issues and concerns. Adaptations will be considered based on each clinician’s practice environments and settings.


  1. Participants will discuss 2 foundational concepts in relationship to therapeutic activities and theoretical modalities in play therapy with families and groups.
  2. Participants will analyze 3 play therapy key concepts in at least two foundational or seminal play therapy theories as it relates to family participation.
  3. Participants will describe the role of the clinician, client, and caregivers in the specific theoretical play therapy model being demonstrated..
  4. Participants will critique 2 concepts in relation to other family and group play therapy theoretical orientations.
  5. Participants will discuss utilizing different theoretical play therapy approaches within their own practice as it relates to families and groups.
  6. Participants will practice 2 theoretically sound play therapy skills as it relates to family and groups.
CS Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT Approved Provider number is 15-419. CS Institute maintains responsibility for the program.