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CREOKS Play Therapy Cohort 11- Adlerian Play Therapy

Adlerian play therapy was developed by Dr. Terry Kottman based on the foundational principles and work by Alfred Adlerian. Dr. Kottman (2011) notes, “Adlerian play therapy is an active and rather directive approach to working therapeutically with children using play (toys, stories, art, drama, puppets, and role-playing) as the vehicle for communication. Adlerian play therapy combines the theoretical constructs and some of the therapeutic intervention strategies of Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology with the basic premises of play therapy.” This workshop will focus on the AdPT foundational concepts in the process of play therapy.


  1. Participants will discuss 2 foundational concepts in AdPT.
  2. Participants will analyze 3 play therapy key concepts in AdPT.
  3. Participants will describe the role of the clinician, client, and caregivers in AdPT.
  4. Participants will critique 2 AdPT concepts in relation to other play therapy theoretical orientations.
  5. Participants will discuss utilizing AdPT within their own practice.
  6. Participants will practice 2 AdPT play therapy skills.
CS Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT approved provider number15-419. CS Institute maintains responsibility for the program.