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CREOKS Play Therapy Cohort 11- Therapeutic Powers of Play

Therapeutic Powers of Play-
This workshop will cover the foundational and historical concepts of the therapeutic powers of play developed by Dr. Charlie Schaeffer. Dr. Schaeffer notes, “The therapeutic powers of play refer to the specific change agents in which play initiates, facilitates, or strengthens their therapeutic effect.” (p.2 Therapeutic Powers of Play). The therapeutic powers of play will be discussed in relation to the different play therapy modalities.


  1. Participants will analyze the 20 core agents of change in play therapy..
  2. Participants will discuss 2 therapeutic powers of play in a play therapy case scenario.
  3. Participants will describe how the therapeutic powers of play relate to different theoretical models of play therapy.
  4. Participants will design one play therapy intervention utilizing the therapeutic powers of play.
  5. Participants will analyze the impact of the therapeutic powers of play in clinical play therapy practice.
  6. Participants will discuss 2 impacts of the therapeutic powers of play in the play therapy relationship.
CS Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT approved provider number15-419. CS Institute maintains responsibility for the program.