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Sunday, September 22

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Sunday, September 22
10:00am - 1:30pm
Session 411
EMDR-AIP intervention for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA)
Topic Abuse / Neglect
Chair · Arun Mansukhani, Psy.D.
Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) involves traumatic experiences that include acute commission traumas and omission traumas related to attachment, contributing to create complex adult symptomatic presentations. Adult survivors of CSA exhibit complex PTSD features, including a great impact on self-concept, guilt and symptoms related to disgust in addition to fear, high levels of dissociative symptoms, all of which make them difficult to address. In this presentation, I will outline a conceptual framework form which to treat these cases, within the EMDR-AIP model, analyzing what adjustments need to be made in the assessment and intervention phases of the standard protocol, offering specific interventions to work with these complex cases.
Session details
10:00am - 1:30pm
Session 412
Cultivating Liberation: Inclusive Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy & EMDR
Topic Inclusion / Diversity / Equity / Access (IDEA)
Chair · Candace Oglesby, LCPC; Dante Brown, LCPC
This presentation delves into the integration of anti-oppressive perspectives within ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) and EMDR, fostering inclusivity and empowerment. The approach acknowledges the pervasive impact of systemic inequalities, power dynamics, and diverse identities, aiming to establish a therapeutic environment that empowers culturally inclusive clients. Therapists, through KAP and EMDR, learn to navigate clients' cultural backgrounds sensitively, creating a healing space that honors individual autonomy while addressing trauma through the lens of intersectionality. This encourages clients to challenge oppressive narratives and reconstruct their identities. By embodying cultural humility, therapists help create containers that provide transformative healing experiences. The presentation explores strategies for creating a culturally sensitive environment in KAP sessions, examining how EMDR sessions can be tailored to incorporate intersectional perspectives. Therapists will comprehend the fundamentals of an anti-oppressive approach and its applicability to KAP and EMDR therapies, considering historical and systemic factors, such as racial trauma, during preparation, dosing, and integration.
Session details
10:00am - 1:30pm
Session 413
Be-Friending Protector Parts with IFS-Informed EMDR
Topic Techniques / Strategies
Chair · Michelle Richardson, LCSW; Elizabeth Venart, LPC
Often our clients’ protectors become blended in therapy and subsequently block or interfere with EMDR processing, leaving EMDR therapists and their clients confused, frustrated, or both. Join us as we look through an IFS lens to understand these parts more deeply, uncover our own internal reactions to the parts of our clients, and apply IFS-informed EMDR interweaves to support more effective processing. This presentation will introduce participants to the Discovery Process, an IFS-Informed EMDR process developed by Bruce Hersey. This process combines strategies and perspectives from both EMDR, IFS, and Coherence Therapy. An intermediate form of EMDR processing, Discovery Process proactively identifies blended protector parts and combines resourcing and indirect processing within the preparation phase as a bridge to the assessment phase. IFS-Informed EMDR techniques will be further illustrated through recorded video demonstration to augment comprehension and application. A general knowledge of IFS therapy is suggested.
Session details
10:00am - 1:30pm
Session 414
Super Resourcing: An EMDR Strategy for Healing Attachment Trauma
Topic Attachment
Chair · Alison Teal, LMFT
Super Resourcing (SR) integrates the AIP model, the neurobiology of trauma, ego state psychology, and attachment theory into resource development. To specifically address attachment wounding, SR shifts focus away from trauma and corresponding negative sensations, emotions, and cognitions to targeting the ego part who experienced trauma. Installing and processing client-generated resources and corresponding positive sensations, emotions and cognitions, results in a time-efficient and effective adaptive resolution of attachment wounds. Trauma symptoms and SUDS are reduced without having to process trauma directly. Complete with clinical applications, client videos, and a guided SR session for direct learning, clinicians discover how to guide clients in developing their own corrective healing environment and creating the experience of safety, protection, nurturance, and guidance so critical to attachment healing. SR is not about focusing on who our clients became because of trauma but on reclaiming who they truly are and embodying who they wish to become.
Session details
10:00am - 1:30pm
Session 415
Engaging Teens' Protective Parts to Reprocess Traumatic Memories
Topic Dissociation
Chair · Anna Monaco, LCSWR; Nicole Wolasz, LCSWR
Teen clients who exhibit concerning problem behaviors are often challenging for therapists to not only engage in treatment but also provide effective EMDR therapy. This workshop will describe how protective parts appear hostile and aggressive at home, school and community and how they attempt to torpedo therapeutic treatment through violent or destructive actions to themselves, caregivers, and the therapist. Specialized interventions are required for successful treatment that addresses such disturbing and disruptive symptoms that are encapsulated in dissociation. Participants will learn how to utilize curiosity to engage protective parts with creative interventions and help the internal system collaborate as a team so that the client can desensitize early childhood traumatic memories and caregivers work to repair attachment wounds.
Session details

1:45am - 2:45pm
Lunch Break Events - TBD

1:45am - 2:45pm
Lunch Break Events - TBD

1:45am - 2:45pm
Lunch Break Events - TBD

3:00pm - 4:30pm
General Session 4
1.5 CE HRS
EMDR Therapy as a Transdiagnostic Approach
Chair · Sarah Dominguez, Ph.D.
Historically, a diagnosis-based system has predominated in mental health. However, as most clinicians know, clients typically meet diagnostic criteria for several diagnoses. This can result in significant deviations from evidence-based practice, symptoms being overlooked, or the intervention being unnecessarily extended as the clinician can be forced to prioritize one diagnosis over another. This can also result in the client feeling invalidated and the therapist feeling overwhelmed due to the client’s unique cluster of presenting issues. Accordingly, there has recently been a shift from a diagnostic-based system to a transdiagnostic model to best accommodate the clients' individual presentation. This presentation will explore the benefit of a transdiagnostic approach when working with psychopathology. It will demonstrate why EMDR therapy, and the AIP model that underpins it, is an appropriate transdiagnostic approach to improve client prognosis and treatment efficiency. Case studies will also be provided to demonstrate key concepts.
Session details