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September 28th 3:30 to 5:30 PM - Attend Remotely - The Future of Work: Returning to the Office Post Covid 19

Disability in dc metro your business partner for disability inclusion

The Future of Work:
Returning to the Office Post COVID-19

Time & Date
September 28th 3:30 to 5:30 PM

Course Description:
When the pandemic began over two years ago, it catapulted many organizations into the future, rapidly accelerating their digital transformation. Work environments changed overnight as remote work became commonplace and market demands evolved.
As organizations transition from the urgent, crisis-driven reaction of recent times, to a more stabilized and purposeful roadmap for the foreseeable future, the year ahead holds significant promise for the technology industry with an exciting agenda. Tech players will be seen bringing predictability to the future of work, by serving up innovative technological models, meshing dispersed elements of tech infrastructure and informing and enhancing customer experience while securing the systems and information to drive it. That being said, it will be important for tech leaders to keep a pulse on the industry landscape and evolving trends, to deploy alignment or mitigation strategies and stay ahead.
This fall Deloitte’s People with Disabilities and Allies (PwD&A) Community will co host an event with Disability:IN DC Metro. The event will be focused on corporate strategy for return to office post-COVID and considerations for people with disabilities. It will be a hybrid event with an in-person footprint in Deloitte’s Rosslyn, Virginia office and an online footprint through Zoom. Address: 1919 N Lynn St Suite 1500, Arlington, VA 22209.

Time to Complete
2 hours