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Communication as Currency: Leveraging Power and Position for Business Success, The Specifics with Dr. Brandi Baldwin, Ph.D.


About This Program

Did you know that honing your communication skills not only enhances your professional brand but also elevates respect in your field? Discover the transformative power of effective business communication with Dr. Brandi Baldwin, former Wharton Business School lecturer and global future of work thought leader. In this dynamic session, learn to communicate beyond your technical expertise, set boundaries with colleagues and clients, influence without formal authority, and adeptly manage diverse stakeholders. Dr. Brandi will guide you through practical strategies to articulate ideas effectively, establish boundaries, influence others, and navigate complex relationships. By the end of the workshop, you'll emerge equipped to enhance your professional brand, earn greater respect in your field, and propel your career to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to master strategic business communication and chart a course for success!

     Session Takeaways

  • Develop a clearer professional identity through effective communication strategies, enhancing your reputation within your field.
  • Learn practical techniques to influence colleagues and clients, even in situations where formal authority may not be present, to achieve your goals and manage complex relationships effectively.
  • Gain insights into establishing clear boundaries with colleagues and clients to foster positive working dynamics and uphold professionalism, contributing to increased productivity and well-being.
  • Acquire strategies to skillfully manage diverse stakeholders, utilizing communication skills to bridge differences, foster collaboration, and drive success in varied professional contexts.

Learning Units

CSI: 1.0 LU
*May be submitted for domain specific learning units to CDT recertification, and/or general learning units for CCCA, CCS, and CCPR.

Relevant Practices

Personal Development


  • Brandi Baldwin, Ph.D.

    Dr. Brandi Baldwin serves as the CEO of Millennial Ventures, an award-winning startup dedicated to launching impactful initiatives in the realms of education and workforce innovation.

    From empowering school districts with real-time student experience data for enhanced safety measures, to guiding organizations in adopting sustainable diversity and inclusion practices, the Millennial Ventures team champions the notion that many challenges can be addressed not through dismantling existing systems, but by designing new ones.

    Dr. Brandi's knack for systems thinking has garnered recognition from industry leaders such as Google, Fast Company, Comcast, Discover, Salesforce, and government agencies. They seek her out to glean unconventional insights and expertise on positioning their organizations for future success. She has spoken at over 200 companies both nationally and internationally, and is a former Wharton Business School lecturer.

October 24, 2024
Thu 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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