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Owners: More Than a Checkbook


Owners are the backbone of design and construction—without them, there is nothing for any of us to do. Let’s talk about the different types of owners, what they want, and how we can work with them better. We’ll discuss working with owners with large portfolios of properties or campuses to maintain and grow, and how looking at things from their needs can help you gain repeat clients. We’ll also talk about how the architect, engineer, and construction team can build long-term relationships by getting into owners’ “wavelengths” and helping achieve their goals. Lastly, we will discuss reality versus expectations and how to help manage the project while saving the budget, the quality, and your relationship with the rest of the team.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Identify types of owners, their concerns, and the roles they have and should have during the project
  • Discuss owners’ preferences, standards, and established systems and how to use those to your advantage
  • Identify where the project team engagement can benefit long-term owners and build relationships
  • Manage expectations and realities during the facility management phase of a project

Symbol Key

 Indicates item required for certificate
 Indicates item has been completed
 Indicates item locked until previous item complete

Learning Units

CSI: 1.50
AIA LU: 1.50