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CREFC Multifamily E-Primer

What is the Multifamily E-Primer?
CREFC's Multifamily E-Primer is a comprehensive educational resource in a convenient e-book format.

The Multifamily E-Primer covers the following:

  • An Overview of US Multifamily Lending
  • Multifamily Housing Property Types
  • Multifamily Loan Sources and Specialty Products
  • Multifamily Loans Underwriting & Credit Risk
  • An Overview of US Multifamily Servicing
  • Securitization and Distribution 
$50 for Academic Members*
$75 for all other Members
$150 for non-Members

Discounts for Organizations Ordering in Bulk*:
10-25 = 10% off
26-50 = 20% off
51+ = 30% off

View a 5 Page Sample
Click here to access a 5 page sample of the Multifamily E-Primer

How long do I have access to the Multifamily E-Primer?
Your E-Primer license is valid for the 2021 Edition of this educational tool and will not be applied toward newer versions in the future.

How often is the Multifamily E-Primer updated?
At the time of the 2021 Edition’s publication we expect the next edition to be published no earlier than January 2023.

*Academic Rates
To qualify for CREFC Academic membership you are not a current CREFC member, not employed full time and must be a full-time student or professor. Your status will be vetted prior to receiving discounted rates for online resources/events. Apply here. Once approved contact Danielle Nathan for your discount code. 

*Bulk Rates
Bulk rates are only available for Member organizations. To receive an invoice for a bulk order please contact Janie Lam.

Terms of Service 
To view the Terms of Service for this educational piece click here. 


Thank you to the authors of this E-Primer: 

© CRE Finance Council 2021. All rights reserved. Distribution without permission is prohibited