Future Trends in Case Management and Workforce

**Presented at the 2023 CMSA Annual Conference**
*** RN, SW, and CCM credits ***

The healthcare industry and global workforce have long been under stress and the onset of covid 19 pandemic created an environment that produced a mass exodus of healthcare workers and employees questioning why they continue to do this work. Examination of future trends in case management and workforce development will highlight examples from a national movement emerging from this stress by creating collaboratives in healthcare. These collaboratives are working towards building a more resilient workforce united to maintain the patient at the center of care, The National plan supported by over 50 organizations and led by The National Academy of Medicine endorses an evolution of a diverse workforce committed to clinician well-being. Priority areas in this national movement are to create and sustain a positive work and learning environment and culture, support mental health and reduce stigmas, engage in effective technology tools, recruit and retain a diverse inclusive culture, invest in measurement, assessment, strategies and research, compliance, regulatory and policy barriers, institutionalize wellbeing as a long-term value. This presentation will provide a map for establishing a national plan for health workforce well-being and trends in case management that will evolve our industry towards healthcare transformation.


  1. Describe two future trends emerging in the case management workforce.
  2. List three criteria that must exist to create a positive work and learning environment within the healthcare culture.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the National Plan for health workforce well-being and the research utilized to develop and launch this initiative.