Becoming a Case Management Systems Thinker

**Presented at the 2023 CMSA Annual Conference**
*** RN, SW, and CCM credits ***

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and apply the power of systems thinking to improve their professional practice, departmental performance, and organizational outcomes. Systems thinking embraces looking beyond our work (micro-level) and considers how collaborative work can help us achieve exceptional results at the corporate level (macro-level). This session will provide foundational knowledge about systems thinking and an opportunity to try out different tools to assist the participant in applying theory to practice.


  1. Discuss the vital role that Case Managers and Social Workers have in facilitating change and transformative improvement through systems thinking.
  2. Describe how to apply quality and performance improvement tools to incorporate evidence-based practice through interactive exercises.
  3. Create SMART goals as the next step in improving professional practice.