Skill up on Advocacy: Making Your Voice Heard and Amplifying It

**Presented at the 2023 CMSA Annual Conference**
*** RN, SW, and CCM credits ***

One of our greatest attributes as case managers is the ability to advocate for our patients. That advocacy should not stop at the end of our shift or as we leave our place of employment. Case Managers should advocate for the profession including legislative change. CMSA’s Public Policy Committee is committed to supporting policy to enact change to improve CMSA members’ ability to help their patients and families achieve the best health outcomes possible at all levels of legislation. Communicating is not only important to the national legislature but is critical to state/local policymakers, as well. Making these connections is necessary to build lasting relationships to support healthcare needs. CMSA and the Public Policy Committee are focused on priorities that set the legislative agenda to include mental health, telehealth, and workforce development; all of which gained great attention because of the CARES ACT. The work that was done in these areas needs to continue beyond the deadlines set up by the government. Join CMSA’s Public Policy Committee Chair, Susan Plough, as she reviews how your national association is advocating for you and how to get involved.


  1. Define the policy making process and its importance to case management.
  2. Explain how individuals can influence policy on the state/local level.
  3. Identify strategies on how to best affect policy changes for improved patient outcomes at the state and local level.