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The Value of the Therapeutic Relationship in Case Management

**Presented at the 2022 CMSA Annual Conference**
*** RN, CCM and SW credits ***

The professional clinical relationship between client and clinician holds the potential to promote growth and change, as well as to positively impact clinical outcomes, across disciplines and diagnoses. In this session, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the therapeutic-relationship, also referred to as the “therapeutic-alliance,” including its role in improving treatment compliance and outcomes in the practice of case management. Attendees will learn about the features and defining characteristics of a ‘quality therapeutic alliance’ and will learn tools and approaches to help build, foster, and maintain this type of clinical relationship. Attendees will learn motivational interviewing concepts, tools, and strategies, as well as other communication techniques aimed at enhancing emotional intelligence, attunement, and connection between the clinician and client throughout treatment.


  1. Name and describe the key characteristics of a positive professional therapeutic alliance.
  2. Name and explain the positive impacts on treatment outcomes when a ‘quality therapeutic alliance’ has been formed, fostered and maintained by the clinician.
  3. Name and describe at least 3 motivational interviewing strategies that enhance communication and connection in the clinical relationship.