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Case Management, Then, Now & Future

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**Presented at the 2022 CMSA Annual Conference**
*** RN, CCM and SW credits ***
A famous quote from Maya Angelou says “I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going.” It is important in any endeavor. Understanding the history and evolution of case management practice is the foundation of our profession. It gives us insight into the now and lays the path for the future state. With healthcare in a constant state of change, the professional case manager needs to know how we arrived at this point to make informed decisions on how to proceed. This presentation will explore the history, current state and future potential of professional case management practice with an eye towards.


  1. Identify key events in the history of professional case management and their impact on current practice.
  2. Summarize current practice areas of priority and reasons for the focus.
  3. Analyze topics and concepts with the potential for shaping the practice of case management in the future.