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PTSD: What is It and How to Manage

*** CCM, RN and SW hours ***
Originally presented at 2021 Annual Conference

This session will take a closer look at Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its prevalence in workers’ compensation and group health. PTSD is commonly associated with military personnel, although its reach is far greater, affecting more than five million people in the United States every year. With the onset of COVID-19, depression, anxiety and PTSD are on the rise. Now more than ever, it is important to not only recognize and properly diagnose mental health conditions, but to also implement an appropriate treatment plan including traditional therapy and telehealth options.

  1. Recognize what PTSD is and how it is diagnosed.
  2. Review current treatment modalities and new alternative options including medical marijuana and telehealth.
  3. Discuss the increase in anxiety, depression and PTSD diagnoses as a result of COVID-19.