COVID-19 Long Haulers: Avoiding the Next Mega Claims

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*** CCM and RN hours ***
Originally presented at 2021 Annual Conference

From temperature monitoring, a positive test, quarantining, and finally a negative test…but that is not the end of the journey. We shifted very early during the pandemic to focus on employees who have contracted the virus and are suffering from lingering complications, leading to a slow, delayed recovery (already labeled long haulers). We are going to walk you through how and why these claims migrate from a delayed recovery to a potential mega claim, including the unknown factors about the virus, underlining health conditions and the age of the impacted employee. Without innovative partners and a proactive recovery approach focused on return-to-work, these new long hauler claims will have a major negative economic impact. We will demonstrate that impact by quantifying the impact of a coordinated approach to post-acute COVID-19 patient care vs standard, unmanaged, access to care.

  1. Summarize common issues associated with COVID-19 "Long Haulers" (i.e., Long-COVID)
  2. Identify complications and at-risk flags associated with COVID-19 that lead to a mega claim.
  3. Discuss how early engagement and innovative strategies can reduce long term claims.