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Could We Live to 200? Exploring the Superhuman Era of Longevity

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Anything is possible in the Superhuman era. Today we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift for human longevity, with consumers now having access to tools that will not only super-optimize their health but could also even reverse the effects of aging. Thanks to advances in wellness technology, we are entering an era of not just maintaining health but elevating it; of not just being fit but taking advantage of services and metrics that were previously reserved for professional athletes.

In this world, our well-being isn’t just being managed – it’s being supercharged.

Webinar Objectives

  • Every brand is now a health brand: Traditional healthcare companies are competing with the biggest consumer brands in the world as they invest in wellness as a key differentiator. Every brand—big and small—is transforming to prioritize accessibility, power and inspiration in their offerings.
  • Millennials are driving a new era of consumerization: Companies are shifting their design, approach, language and UX to suit a new generation raised on the ease of Instagram and Uber, a generation that wants health care to have the same look, feel and elegance as everything else they use.
  • Educational entertainment can be a tool for tackling inequity: Social platforms and new millennial/Gen Z influencers are totally transforming the way disease, illness, recovery and health are documented online in a real, accessible, and inspiring way, removing stigma in the process.