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2024 Thompson Grants Workshop: Procurement

Procurement provisions in the Office of Management and Budget’s uniform guidance are essential to ensuring recipients of federal grant award obtain supplies and services in a manner that upholds transparency, equity, and compliance with federal, state and local laws.
To this end, grant recipients must be aware of these provisions, including the applicable procurement methods and thresholds, how to obtain full and open competition, and how to conduct a cost or price analysis.
Grants management can be complex, but you can make more informed decisions about how to best spend your federal funding by developing internal policies and procedures that implement these procurement provisions.
What is the most important benefit attendees will gain through this course?This course will equip you, as well as your organization or team, to get up-to-speed on the various procurement thresholds, when they apply and the steps you must take to remain compliant. If your organization can’t demonstrate adequate internal controls over your procurement system, your current and future funding could be at risk of potential mismanagement.

Session 1, Procurement Standards: What, When, and Why? ,covers
Procurement has been a large presence in Single Audit findings since the current procurement standards were implemented in the Uniform Guidance, and the length of the standards and apparent complexity can make them intimidating. This session will delve into the procurement standards and discuss when they are applicable, what the key requirements are, why you should be aware of them, and the updates recently released by OMB.

Session 2, Procurement Standards: Issues and Case Studies, covers
This session moves into common issues that entities may encounter when dealing with the procurement standards, as well as audit preparation tips. We will also review findings from single audits and discuss what can cause these findings and how to address them.

Presented by:

Manager, Capital Edge Consulting

Benjamin Sedelmeier has over five years of experience in supporting government contractors and Federal award recipients to address various accounting and compliance issues related to Federal government contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. Ben’s expertise includes but is not limited to Cost Proposal Support, Financial Modeling, Contract Administration, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), and Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards to nonFederal entities (Uniform Guidance). Ben is well experienced in working with both government contractors and Federal award recipients of varying size and industry focus. Ben has complied numerous hours supporting clients with the development of indirect rate structures and forensic investigative analyses.
Ben has assisted clients with Business Systems Compliance, Policy and Procedure Development, Indirect Cost Rate Proposal Development, Indirect Rate Structure Assessment, Subrecipient Monitoring Support, Audit Support, and Risk Assessment, Audit Findings Remediation, Procurement System Compliance, Internal Controls Assessment, and other regulatory compliance matters.

Manager, Capital Edge Consulting

Levi Zielinski is a Manager with Capital Edge Consulting, Inc., based in the company’s Pittsburgh, PA office. Levi has over a decade of experience in addressing various accounting and compliance issues related to Federal government grants, and internal control assessments. Levi’s expertise includes Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), FAR Cost Principles, and Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities (2 CFR 200, Uniform Guidance).
Professional Experience: Levi is well experienced in working with government contractors and Federal award recipients of varying size, complexity, and industry focus in the areas of accounting and internal controls. Levi has also supported clients with Business Systems Compliance, including risk assessment and Policy and Procedure Development. He has also assisted clients with Subrecipient Monitoring, Audit Support, Audit Findings Resolution, and other regulatory compliance matters.
Prior to joining Capital Edge, Levi was an audit manager for Maher Duessel, CPAs, a member of the AICPA’s Government Audit Quality Center. While at Maher Duessel, CPAs, Levi supervised and performed audits over both not-for-profit and governmental entities, including Single Audits under both OMB Circular A-133 and Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200, Subpart F (Single Audit).
Professional Affiliations: Levi is a registered CPA with the Pennsylvania Board of Accountancy. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).