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Thompson Grants Workshop: Managing Key ARPA Programs, their Relation to the UGG Addendum, and the Impacts to the Single Audit

Thompson Grants Workshop: Managing Key ARPA Programs, their Relation to the UGG Addendum, and the Impacts to the Single Audit

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which has provided billions in federal grant funding to address economic disruptions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, has been a lifeline for many nonfederal entities. Now, auditors are beginning to assess how well grantees’ have complied with the management and reporting requirements related to the ARPA funds they received.

What compliance requirements will be tested? What will auditors look for?

This on-demand workshop updates both auditees and auditors on key ARPA programs, how they relate to the Uniform Guidance and how they will affect the single audit. Valuable information learned from this workshop will help keep auditors up to date, while helping auditees stay in compliance with federal regulations to ensure they maintain their federal dollars. 

In this two-session on-demand workshop, experts from award-winning CPA firm Clark Nuber map out what you must know about your new responsibilities under ARPA. 

This workshop is of value to grant auditors and auditees. Attendees who will benefit most include:
• Controllers
• Grants Management
• Finance Directors
• Auditors


Session 1: ARPA Grants Management
This session examines the overall aspects of ARPA funding. You’ll explore the related guidance, including Uniform Guidance, expenditure deadlines, reporting requirements and other matters related to receiving and managing ARPA funds, including:
• The largest programs under ARPA, including those overseen by the departments of Education and the Treasury
• The rules, regulations and guidance that apply to the programs
• How these rules and regulations relate to Uniform Guidance
• Reporting requirements and deadlines
• Key take-aways for managing ARPA funds

A Look At Thompson’s Grants Compliance Expert 

Session 2: Audit of ARPA Funds
Explore how auditors should evaluate funds under ARPA based on the 2021 Compliance Supplement and the Office of Management and Budget’s recently issued addenda. Workshop leaders will provide advice for both seasoned auditees and new auditees on the testing requirements, noting the importance that ARPA funds may have raised some smaller grant recipients over the Subpart F single audit threshold. We will cover:
• The 2021 Compliance Supplement and ARPA programs included in the addenda
• What auditors will now be looking for
• How auditees, particularly those undergoing their first single audit, to prepare effectively for the audit
• Key ARPA program compliance requirements you cannot overlook

Meet Your Instructors:

Jennifer Keller is a Senior Manager in Clark Nuber’s Accounting & Consulting Services department. Jen has over 14 years of experience working with not-for-profits in programming, policy development, and grants & compliance management. Her current focus is helping organization’s assess and implement strategies to effectively perform grants management. She is a returned Peace Corps volunteer and a member of the National Grants Management Association (NGMA).

Patrick Lewis, CPA is a Senior Manager in Clark Nuber’s Audit and Assurance Services Group. Patrick has over 9 years of experience performing audits for not-for-profit entities, specializing in life sciences and affordable housing. Patrick also provides federal compliance audits and consulting to clients in various industries.

Kelly Rancourt, CPA is a Principal in Clark Nuber’s Audit and Assurance Services Group. Kelly has over 13 years of experience performing audits for not-for-profit and healthcare organizations. She also performs federal compliance audits and consulting over grant funding. She is a co-author of the annual Knowledge Based Audits of Health Care Entities published by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer Company. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), and the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants (WSCPA).

Troy Rector is a shareholder in Clark Nuber’s Public Sector Services Group, where he has dedicated his career of over 20 years to serving tax-exempt organizations receiving Federal grant assistance. Troy performs many Single Audit engagements and utilizes that experience to provide advisory services to help Federal grant recipients improve their grant compliance systems, policies, and processes. Troy leads local and national training sessions and workshops, including at the AICPA’s National Not-For-Profit Conference, AICPA Governmental and Not-For-Profit Training Program and the NGMA Annual Grants Training.