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Nonprofit Board Training: Financial Literacy and Regulatory Compliance Skills

In this online course, Association TRENDS partners with CliftonLarsonAllen’s Nat Bartholomew to strengthen Board members’ understanding of the unique financial structure of nonprofits and their own roles and responsibilities in promoting the organization’s success. From accounting standards and reporting, to spotting red flags (and healthy financial signs) in nonprofit financial statements, learners gain vital financial literacy—and more power to make a difference.

Course Overview

Nonprofit Board Training: Financial Literacy and Regulatory Compliance Skills
Course Approved for 6 CAE Credits Credits
$399/Student (5 or more)

In this online course, Association TRENDS partners with CliftonLarsonAllen’s Nat Bartholomew to strengthen Board members’ understanding of the unique financial structure of nonprofits and their own roles and responsibilities in promoting the organization’s success. From accounting standards and reporting, to spotting red flags (and healthy financial signs) in nonprofit financial statements, learners gain vital financial literacy—and more power to make a difference.
eLearning perfect for busy, geographically dispersed Boards. Learners move at their own pace and are in complete control over when and where they engage with the training. Learning can take place 24/7 and participants can pause, rewind and re-access any part of the training at any time. The course is delivered in these three modules:
  • Module I: Accountability and Board Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Module 2: Financial Statements and Analyses (balance sheet, income, expense reports, accounting practices, audits and more)
  • Module 3: Compliance Issues, including IRS Form 990 and rules on restricted/unrestricted funds
Track participation and progress. Each module includes PowerPoint slides, worksheets and a quiz. Additional resources include FAQs, discussion questions, and Ask The Presenter interaction. Administrators can see which Board members have logged in, which modules they’ve accessed and quiz scores.

Register now for better decision-making and more productive meetings as Board members get the training to:
  • Fulfill their roles and responsibilities in governance and management
  • Read and interpret nonprofit financial statements
  • Understand accounting standards affecting nonprofit financial reporting
  • Know if a nonprofit is gaining or losing ground
  • Address the fiscal compliance issues associations face
This training clears the way for the Board and executives to work together to set—and meet—realistic expectations for financial achievement. Best of all, the online format enables even organizations with limited budgets to train Board members and let them have their finance and governance questions answered directly by an expert.

Register now for the Board Finance Training eLearning Course
This online course is essential for individuals or organizations with small budgets who know the value of having financially literate Board members. Attendees who will benefit most include:
  • All Board members
  • Finance committee members
  • Staff
  • Chapter heads

Brought to You by:


Nat Bartholomew
Principal, Clifton Larson Allen

Nat Bartholomew, CPA and Partner with CliftonLarsonAllen is the Partner in Charge of CliftonLarsonAllen’s Association and Membership Organization practice and has more than twenty four years of public accounting experience. For more than twenty of those years, Mr. Bartholomew has exclusively served not-forprofit clients and is a nationally recognized expert in audit, accounting, tax and technology issues facing associations and their related for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.

Mr. Bartholomew is a frequent speaker and author, and has addressed the memberships of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and the Greater Washington Society of CPAs (GWSCPA) and several of the country’s leading not-for-profits on such topics as benchmarking and trend analyses, fraud and embezzlement, re-engineering the finance function, risk assessment and internal controls, financial system integration issues, cost allocation methodologies, unrelated business income, lobbying, whistleblower and code of ethics policy issues, audit committees, reserves, investments, UPMIFA, and Federal Form 990 changes.

As an active member of ASAE & The Center, Mr. Bartholomew is a Past Chair of the Industry Partner Alliance and a former member of the Finance & Business Operations Section Council. Mr. Bartholomew has served on ASAE’s Operating Ratio Report Committee and led the volunteer committee that developed Association 990, ASAE’s new online tool for benchmarking against association-specific Federal Form 990s. At this date (March 2012) Association 990 houses more than 55,000 association-specific 990s, and increasing monthly, as 990s are filed.

As a Paul Harris Fellow, Mr. Bartholomew is a Past President of the Arlington Rotary Club, and has served on several not-for-profit boards in a financial expert advisory capacity. Mr. Bartholomew, his wife Sharon, and their two children reside in Arlington, Virginia.


This course has been approved for 6 CAE Credits.

Columbia Books & Information Services is a CAE Approved Provider. This program meets the requirements for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Every program that we offer which qualifies for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation, and we will maintain records of your participation in accord with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Approved Provider program, please visit Note: This program is not endorsed, accredited, or affiliated with ASAE or the CAE program. Applicants may use any program that meets eligibility requirements in the specific timeframe towards the exam application or renewal. There are no specific individual courses required as part of the applications – selection of eligible education is up to the applicant based on his/her needs.


Single Learner $499/Learner
5 or More Learners Contact Emily Howard for more information
*Course can be custom-made for entire Boards, live in-person training options also available. Call for more information.


"Very enjoyable and the presenter was excellent. I am glad I participated.


"Excellent program, especially for new board members


"The 990s were easy to follow and appropriately highlighted


"The handouts were very useful.
