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99 Problems but Bias ain't One??

2024 Webinar - 99 Problems but Bias ain't One??  - July 25

There has been a significant amount of discussion, debate, and research around the examination of rates and actuarial models for potential bias against protected classes. This has led to several potential approaches to measuring and mitigating potential bias. As with any emerging area, moving from a theoretical construct to practical implementation can be a challenge, and often results in unexpected implications. This session will cover the practical considerations around the implementation of several methods for measuring potential bias. This session will explore examples of these practical considerations, including discussion of mini simulation scenarios.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the challenges and implications of moving towards practical implementation.
  2. Explain the challenges measuring potential bias and why it's important.
  3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of bias measures and mitigation techniques.
  4. Demonstrate and explain the possible impact of bias mitigation approaches through mini simulations.

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