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2021 Basic Ratemaking Workshop

The Basic Ratemaking virtual workshop offers a complete understanding of the basic concepts and practices needed for ratemaking. These concepts include:

  • How to calculate a rate indication and the core concepts involved including data aggregation, loss development, trending, and credibility
  • Risk classification and its associated principles
  • How to calculate rate relativities and increased limit factors and use them in a rate plan.
Learning Objectives

Attendees will complete the course with a working knowledge of basic ratemaking, having applied it in a realistic setting. More specifically, participants will finish the course having learned the following:
  • What a rate indication is used for and the basic steps needed to carry out a rate indication analysis
  • How to aggregate data and the reasons for aggregating it in different ways
  • How to trend premium and losses and why it is done in a rate indication
  • How to develop losses
  • Why credibility is important and how to use it in a rate indication
  • How to account for loss adjustment expenses and catastrophe losses in a rate indication
  • The importance of risk classification in insurance ratemaking
  • Principles of risk classification and how to select characteristics for a rate plan
  • How to calculate rate relativities and add them to a rate plan
  • How to calculate increased limits factors
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