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Making Sense of California's Newest Employment Laws

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California has enacted significant changes to labor legislation in 2019, and medical practices will be expected to stay informed of and compliant with the latest regulations – regardless of whether the practice has a dedicated human resources manager or not. To help equip practices with a concrete understanding of the new laws, CAP will host a free webinar with Nancy Brusegaard Johnson, CAP's Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Operations. This free webinar will highlight recent updates to legislation and their implications for medical practices statewide.

The talk will:

  • Review updated requirements for sexual harassment prevention training and education.
  • Provide clarification on the differences between independent contractors and employees, and delve into the three-pronged “ABC” Test.
  • Share insight on new developments related to minimum wage laws.
  • Include access to free and newly revised HR manuals and checklists, developed by CAP, which will be helpful to offices of any size.
This webinar will be recorded and available to all registrants after the event. Register today! 


  • Nancy Brusegaard Johnson, Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Operations, CAP

    With more than 30 years of experience as a human resources professional, Nancy Brusegaard Johnson is Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Operations at the Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. Ms. Brusegaard Johnson oversees CAP’s hiring, benefits, employee relations, compensation, and payroll, and consults with CAP member physicians to assist them with human resources-related issues.

October 30, 2019
Wed 12:30 PM PDT

Duration 1H 0M

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