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Mine Your Data: How Analytics is Changing Construction

Data analytics, and now artificial intelligence (AI), are emerging as key tools to help boost productivity, address cost and schedule overruns, facilitate resource allocation, and improve safety and efficiency on construction projects. Join Facility Grid and Group 14 as they discuss the current state of data analytics in construction, the challenges and opportunities analytics present, and how to incorporate them into your projects today while planning for the future.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe why business analytics and artificial intelligence matter and why it’s important to start now.
  2. Identify effective strategies to harvest and leverage data for optimizing your project portfolio, including the importance of documenting, collecting, and analyzing key project attributes.
  3. Explain how analytics can improve communication, enhance collaboration, and minimize rework.
  4. Dramatize real-world experiences regarding the challenges of harnessing your data and how to address them.

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